Search English and Kannada words from offline to get meaning instantly and Learn words easy way. English Kannada Dictionary featured with Word searching from offline, Word suggestion based on prefix matching, Bookmarking words, Word pronunciation, Backup & Restore bookmarked words, Tap(Copy) to Search word.
English Kannada Dictionary Offline
This English to Kannada, Kannada to English offline Dictionary packed with roughly 164,000 English words and 163,000 Kannada words. Being completely offline No internet connection required when searching and viewing dictionary word.
Fast Offline Word Searching
When you type word in the app automatic word search performed on indexed dictionary database and prefix matched word list are instantly appears. No need to hit or wait to see search result.
Word Bookmarking
Users can mark any word as favorite word and later easily traverse all the marked favorite words.
Listen how to pronounce the word. This feature works only when Text to Speech Engine and target language voice data installed.
Some of the words have corresponding antonym list.
Backup and Restore
Backup & Restore your Favorite words to Cloud.
N.B Only Google drive is currently supports for backup and restore option.
Tap (Copy) to Search
If you are within any application like Google Chrome Browser and want to get meaning of a word directly without opening dictionary just copy the word.
N.B by default is feature disabled. To enable this feature just enable copy to get meaning feature from settings option.